Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Finally... he said "mama"

For those of you who don't know, John & I have an amazing 7 1/2 month old little boy. We could not have asked for a better child... he HARDLY EVER CRIES! He is pretty much a mamas boy... or at least when it's time to eat or go "night night," and he still said dada first but whatever! I think he might have even said "aty" which is Katy one of his 3 favorite cousins before he said mama. I finally gave up on trying to get him to say mama every time I held him, and then... he said it!!!!!!! I was getting ready this morning & he was sagged that I wasn't holding him, I was too : ( He was laying in our bed with daddy, kinda whining, and watching me get ready. That's when it finally came out... "mama" FINALLY... he said "mama." Yay!! for Koen!!


Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

that's awsome from katy